Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Apple Juice with L-Carnitine- Bantu Pembakaran Lemak

Ok, selaras dengan azam nak turunkan berat badan yang dah berlebihan beberapa kg ni, maka saya nak kongsikan di sini merangkap diari kesihatan apa yang saya ambil sebagai pembantu. Yelah, umur dah nak menjengah 30 ni kena juga dapatkan bantuan makanan kesihatan sebab metabolisme dah mula rendah. Semalam saya kirim dengan kawan belikan ini;


Ini minuman kesihatan keluaran Cosway, bulan ni ada offer (untuk ahli) walaupun offernya tak la serendah bulan April lepas. April haritu dapat RM49 sebotol, tapi bulan ni RM85 sebotol dan RM65 untuk belian kedua dan ketiga. Saya sebotol dan kawan beli sebotol, dapatlah sorang RM75. Oklah kan, produk pelangsingan badan yang lain pun lebih kurang juga, malah rasanya kebanyakannya lebih mahal. Oh ya, kuantitinya 500ml. 15ml jus ni campur dengan 150ml air masak atau air sejuk membekalkan sebanyak 800mg l-carnitine. Untuk kurangkan berat badan, perlu ambil sekurang-kurangnya 1000mg. Kalau obesiti, perlukan 2000mg. Jadi bolehla ambil 2-3 kali sehari.

Dah cerita cara pengambilan, tapi tak cerita pulak kebaikan dan fungsi minuman ni tak lengkap la kan. Ok, saya salin sikit daripada katalog Cosway, selebihnya saya copy je la dari sumber internet ye. Boleh gitu?

L-Carnitine menukarkan lemak kepada tenaga untuk badan yang langsing, jantung yang sihat dan tenaga yang berterusan. Minuman jus epal yang enak dengan kepekatan L-Carnitine yang tinggi untuk membebaskan tenaga dalam lemak yang terkumpul dalam badan and, untuk menghapuskan bonjolan hodoh, sambil mengekalkan tahap tenaga yang tinggi sepanjang masa.

Kat bawah ni pulak saya copy dari laman e-cosway. Ada macam-macam info tentang minuman ni boleh jenguk sana. Saya copy muka depan je tu.

• Strengthen Your Heart & Keep Your “Bad” Cholesterol At Bay?

• Help You Lose Those Extra Bulges That Just Won’t Go Away?
• Keep You Young & Energetic?

L- Carnitine can do all this and more!

Specially formulated with super concentrated L-Carnitine from leading Italian pharmaceutical manufacturer – Sigma–Tau HealthScience Inc. to help you achieve better health
Synergistically blended with Garcinia cambogia and Juniper berries for faster, better results.

Enjoy boundless energy while your fat disappears!
Pack shot (with flash near the box or bottle : 100% vegetarian)
L-Carnitine : The Miracle Agent That Turns Fat Into Energy
L-Carnitine transports fatty acids across the mitochondrial (cell’s energy powerhouse) membrane, converting stored body fat into useable energy for the body.

Although our bodies are able to synthesize L-Carnitine, it is an intensive process that requires numerous vitamins, minerals and amino acids; and production declines as we age. L-Carnitine is found primarily in red meat, so vegetarians and those on a low-meat diet often suffer from low L-Carnitine levels. Other factors such as high-fat diets, certain medications, and low protein intake, can cause a severe decline in L-Carnitine in the body. This leads to chronic fatigue, chest pain, muscular weakness and pain, increased body fat, elevated cholesterol, etc.


Purified water, Fructose, Apple juice concentrate, L-Carnitine, Sorbitol, Garcinia fruit powder, Juniper berry powder, Citric acid, Sodium benzoate, Potassium sorbate.
Each serving provides 800mg of L-Carnitine from world-renowned L-Carnitine producer, Sigma-tau HealthScience, Inc. Italy
Free from dl- or d-isomers

Yang ni pulak dari laman web ini

■L-Carnitine assists in the transport of long-chained fatty acids that are burned for energy.
■L-Carnitine enhances the consumption of fat as a source of fuel.
■L-Carnitine has been shown to increase the amount of fat you burn during both anaerobic (strength training) and aerobic (cardiovascular) workouts.
■L-Carnitine plays an important role in mobilizing fatty deposits found in tissues of overweight individuals.
■L-Carnitine helps remove fats waste products (ketones) from the blood stream.
■Effective carnitine activity helps to discourage fatty build up in the liver, heart, and skeletal muscle.
■L-Carnitine has been shown to improve lean muscle strength. Maintaining muscle tissue takes four to five times more calories than maintaining fat tissue, which is important for permanent weight loss.
■L-Carnitine helps to stabilize blood sugar and eliminate cravings for carbohydrates.

Kemudian macam biasalah, dari wiki:

Heart conditionsCarnitine is primarily used for heart-related conditions. Several clinical trials show that L-carnitine and propionyl-L-carnitine can be used along with conventional treatment for angina to reduce medication needs and improve the ability of those with angina to exercise without chest pain.There is little evidence about a positive effect of the use of carnitine after a heart attack. Some studies suggest that people taking L-carnitine may be less likely to suffer a subsequent heart attack or experience chest pain and abnormal heart rhythms.However, other studies have not found similar benefits.Further research on this subject is needed.

Effects on diabetesL-Carnitine improved glucose disposal among 15 patients with type II diabetes and 20 healthy volunteers. Glucose storage increased between both groups, but glucose oxidation increased only in the diabetic group. Finally, glucose uptake increased about 8% for both.

Kidney disease and dialysisBecause kidneys produce carnitine, kidney disease may lead to the deficiency of carnitine in the body. Thus, carnitine may be prescribed to those with kidney disease.

Effect in male infertilityThe use of carnitine showed some promise in a controlled trial in selected cases of male infertility by improving sperm quality.L-carnitine supplementation has also shown to have beneficial effects in the treatment of varicocele, a major cause of male infertility.

As a weight loss supplement"Although L-carnitine has been marketed as a weight-loss supplement, there is no scientific evidence to show that it improves weight loss; however, some studies show that oral carnitine reduces fat mass, increases muscle mass, and reduces fatigue. All of these effects may contribute to weight loss."

Regular supplements of L-carnitine, however, contribute to energy metabolism and improved neurotransmitter function in the brain in elderly patients.

As an antidote in valproic acid poisoning"[In the treatment of valproate toxicity] L-carnitine supplementation ...is thought to provide benefit, particularly in patients with concomitant hyperammonemia, encephalopathy, and/or hepatotoxicity."Further trials are warranted, as benefit is largely theoretical, rather than proven at this stage.

Ok, ada sesiapa yang nak sama-sama mencuba? Jom kita ramai-ramai tengok keberkesanan produk ni. Tapi pengambilan makanan kena jaga, dan selok-eloknya disertakan dengan senaman.

Nota: Ada lagi pembantu lain yang saya ambil, nanti cerita di lain entri.


  1. bila masa untuk minum? before or after meal?

  2. Anon: Menurut stokis cosway cawangan dekat rumah saya tu, L-Carnitine seeloknya ambil waktu siang, tak kisah sebelum atau selepas makan. Kenapa kena ambil siang, sebab fungsinya untuk memecah lemak menjadi tenaga, jadi di siang hari kita banyak gunakan tenaga. Kalau masa kita banyak digunakan utk tidur, jadi jus ni tak dimanfaatkan sebaiknya. Lagi satu, nak mengelakkan kita tak dapat tidur. Macam kes budak-budak kalau terlebih makan gula sebelah malam kan susah nak tido, aktif je diorang.

    Kalau kerja shift, ikut waktu shift la kan.

  3. Pn msh amalkn jus ni? Ok x ade penurunan? Sy br nk beli dn cube.

  4. Saya ambil sekali je, mahal tak larat nak maintain. Masa ambil tu tak rasa pun penurunan. Sekarang saya dalam diet atkins, nak baca perkembangan saya baca entri september dan yang terkini.

  5. Nk tye bpe lma msa pengurangan brt bdan dan bpe kg yg trn pn??

  6. Pie: Masa saya beli ni, saya dalam percubaan untuk turun berat badan. Tapi masa tu tak berhasil, tapi jus ni memang sedap. Saya dapat turun berat hujung 2012 sebanyak 8kg dalam masa 2bulan dan masih berterusan hingga sekarang bukan dengan bantaun L-Carnitine. Apa yang membantu saya adalah diet atkins dan suplemen Shaklee. Boleh tengok entri bermula september 2012 sehingga yang terkini.

  7. Sekarang cosway dah takde keluarkan benda ni dah
