Thursday, September 20, 2012

Jom Sign Ramai-ramai = Petitioning The government and relevant ministries The government and relevant ministries: To make the 'Milk Code' a law in Malaysia

We are fighting to protect breastfeeding from commercial competition by formula milk/baby food companies. Our government has acknowledged the indispensability of breastfeeding but yet, has only issued a voluntary Code Of Ethics to govern the marketing practices of these companies. Malaysia had The Code of Ethics for Marketing Infant Foods and Related Products ("The Code") since 1979 but the Code is often ignored by them. We want the government to walk the talk and enact legislation with severe sanctions to guard the supremacy of breast milk.
Are you familiar with these situations?
- Mothers who birthed in hospitals receiving FREE formula milk samples
- FREE Membership to Mommy and Baby Club by formula milk company
- Bottles and Teats advertisement that claim "Allows baby to suckle just like mother's breast" and "Medically proven to reduce collic in newborn"
- Formula milk packaging using baby pictures.These are some violations of The Code by the formula milk/baby food companies.
Its time for The Code to be made Law in Malaysia, enforceable by Malaysian court and authorities. HELP US TO PASS A BILL TO THE DEWAN RAKYAT!
Saya sudah tandatangan, giliran anda pula.

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