Friday, June 28, 2013

Nutriferon dan ESP : Penawar Masalah Overactive Bladder (Kerap Kencing/ Kencing Tak Tertahan)

"OAB atau inkontinens urinari bukanlah sejenis penyakit yang disebabkan oleh penuaan. Ia adalah sejenis masalah perubatan dan boleh dirawat", kata Presiden Persatuan Urologi Malaysia Datuk Dr. Rohan Malek.

Menurut beliau, ramai wanita yang mengalami masalah tersebut tetapi enggan menjalani pemeriksaan, bahkan mereka tidak mengetahui ada kaedah yang boleh merawat masalah tersebut.
"Faktor utama yang membuatkan mereka enggan datang untuk pemeriksaan mungkin kerana malu menceritakan masalah itu kepada doktor.
"Ramai juga yang berpendapat ia adalah sebahagian daripada proses penuaan atau mungkin kesan sampingan selepas melahirkan anak. Mereka rasa tidak perlu berbuat apa-apa dan rasa tidak boleh merawatnya," kata Rohan yang juga seorang pakar urologi Hospital Selayang.
Statistik di 11 buah negara menunjukkan prevalens OAB adalah 53.1 peratus. Majoritinya adalah mereka yang berumur di antara 29 hingga 59 tahun.
Di Malaysia, OAB dialami di antara 11 hingga 22 peratus daripada jumlah penduduk. Melahirkan anak adalah risiko utama tetapi OAB juga boleh disebabkan oleh beberapa faktor lain.
Menurut Rohan terdapat beberapa kaedah bagi merawat OAB termasuk fisioterapi dan perubatan. Hanya beberapa kes sahaja yang memerlukan pembedahan.
"Rawatan OAB boleh dijalankan dan jarang sekali kita perlu melakukan pembedahan terhadap pesakit OAB," kata Rohan.
Jenis inkontinens yang prevalens adalah daripada jenis terdesak dan stres. Inkontinens stres disebabkan lemah otot pelvik yang disebabkan melahirkan anak dan obesiti.
"Inkontinens stres boleh menyebabkan kebocoran kencing ketika bersin atau batuk. Kadangkala ada juga kes inkontinens terdesak bila mereka tidak boleh menahan kencing sebelum sampai ke tandas," kata beliau.
Rawatan meliputi fisioterapi dan mengenalpasti masalah terbabit. Senaman otot pelvik juga boleh membantu.
Pesakit yang gemuk juga boleh mengurangkan berat badan manakala mereka yang menghidap asma dan batuk perlulah mendapatkan rawatan terlebih dahulu.
Sementara itu, mereka yang mengalami inkontinens terdesak terpaksa berkejar ke tandas beberapa kali sehari.
"Tanda-tanda OAB adalah buang air kecil lebih lapan kali satu hari dan tidak boleh tahan bila tiba masanya.
"Pesakit juga akan mengalami nokturia iaitu kerap bangun kencing waktu malam," kata Rohan. Kesemua faktor itu boleh mengganggu tidur pesakit dan mereka akan rasa amat letih pada keesokan hari.
Ada juga pesakit terpaksa pakai lampin dan terpaksa meninggalkan aktiviti fizikal seperti bersukan. Ini akan mengganggu keyakinan diri dan membawa kepada kemurungan.

Artikel Penuh: Kosmo

Underlying Cause of Urinary MiseriesSaya pernah bercerita panjang lebar dalam dua entri lain dalam blog ni, iaitu entri INI dan INI.
Kali ni saya nak tulis tentang penemuan penawar semulajadi masalah ini, iaitu EKSTRAK BIJI LABU dan EKSTRAK SOYA. 

Artikel dipetik DI SINI

A common and frustrating complaint we at Life Extension hear is how to stop urinary incontinence.

Our frustration has been that despite aggressive research, we could not identify a safe solution to this problem that plagues so many aging women (and men to a lesser extent).
Even more numerous are inquiries we receive from people seeking relief from frequent daytime and nighttime urinary urges.
In a breakthrough discovered by Japanese scientists, a natural plant extract combination has been shown to reduce incontinent episodes by up to 79%,1 daytime urination by up to 39%,2 and nighttime urination by up to 68%.3
This article will discuss the research findings on maturing women who found significant relief after taking this novel supplement for only six to eight weeks.
Additionally, this article will discuss more limited data obtained when men suffering from nighttime urinary urgencies were given this same plant extract.

Urinary incontinence
 is defined as an involuntary loss of urine. It represents a major social and hygiene problem in the aging population. About 48% of women and 17% of men over age 70 suffer urinary incontinence.4Urinary frequency becomes more common with advancing age, with nearly half of people over 60 reporting to suffer from nocturia (two or more episodes of urination during the night).
Overactive bladder affects one in six adults over age 40, and is defined as having an urgent need to empty the bladder during the day-night, along with incontinence. Those afflicted with an overactive bladder have to go to the bathroom frequently, leak urine into their clothes, and report feeling depressed, stressed, and sleep-deprived.

Underlying Cause of Urinary Miseries

In women, stress incontinence (involuntary loss of urine during physical activity such as sneezing or exercise) is usually caused by a weakening of the bladder sphincter and pelvic floor muscles. Shrinkage (atrophy) of tissues where the bladder and urethra meet also contributes to the problem. Hormonal changes occurring after menopause are thought to be an underlying cause of these anatomical changes in the bladder sphincter that lead to urinary incontinence.
In postmenopausal women, decreased androgen (testosterone) levels weaken the pelvic floor and sphincter muscles, while an estrogen deficit induces atrophy of the urethra.
Mainstream medicine offers only mediocre therapies to address urinary incontinence. Drugs commonly used for this condition are expensive and side-effect-prone. Only a small proportion of the affected population seeks treatment because most people consider their urinary symptoms a consequence of normal aging.
Fortunately, a safe, natural, and low-cost approach has been developed that has demonstrated remarkable benefits in human clinical trials.

Water-Soluble Fraction of Pumpkin Seed

Pumpkin seeds were traditionally used by Native American tribes to “facilitate passage of urine.” A European herbal encyclopedia first mentioned the use of pumpkins seeds to treat urinary problems in the year 1578. The German health regulators approve pumpkin seed as a treatment for irritable bladder.
Pumpkin seed oil has been included in products used to alleviate urinary difficulties. While some effects have been shown when using the fat-soluble (oil) fraction of the pumpkin seed, it is the water-soluble portion that demonstrated impressive symptomatic effects in recent studies.
Japanese scientists have patented a method to obtain the water-soluble constituents of the pumpkin seed, which are absorbed far more efficiently into the bloodstream.

Anabolic Actions of Pumpkin Seed Extract

Urinary incontinence worsens after menopause. While menopausal problems are usually associated with estrogen deficit, low levels of testosterone and progesterone are also underlying culprits.
Water-soluble pumpkin seed extract exerts an anabolic (tissue-building) effect on the pelvic floor muscles via several mechanisms. By inhibiting the aromatase enzyme, it may make more testosterone available to strengthen the pelvic muscles.5
Secondly, this water-soluble pumpkin seed fraction binds to the androgen receptor on pelvic muscle cells, thus inducing a strengthening effect. This is important because androgen receptors are expressed in the pelvic floor and lower urinary tract in humans.6 By promoting androgenic activity, water-soluble pumpkin seed extract may play an important role in female pelvic floor structural integrity and lower urinary tract disorders.5

Increasing Nitric Oxide Synthesis

Nitric oxide is a molecule critically involved in lower urinary tract functions. For the urination muscles to relax when the bladder is full, nitric oxide is required. When nitric oxide synthesis is inhibited, the result is bladder hyperactivity and reduced bladder volume.
The dual mechanisms of strengthening pelvic floor muscles, while increasing nitric oxide synthesis,5 help explain howwater-soluble pumpkin seed extract alleviated urinary incontinence in three separate studies on aging women.1-3

Soy Isoflavone Extract

Soy extracts provide standardized phyoestrogens that are potentially effective in ameliorating geriatric symptoms relating to estrogen deficit.
The ingestion of standardized soy extract has been hypothesized to decrease the atrophy of tissues where the bladder and urethra meet and thus alleviate frequent urinary urges and incontinence.

          Pumpkin Seed Extract: 
  1. contains a wide array of nutrients, offering essential fatty acids, selenium, magnesium and vitamin E. It assists with muscular contraction, to ensure correct function of the bladder. It helps reduce urethral and bladder pressure that cause urinary incontinence.

    Soy Protein Extract:
  2. provides natural bladder support by embedding isoflavones which bring you phytoestrogen, aiding to sustain, tone and strengthen the muscle groups, optimizing bladder health.
  1. Clinical studies have demonstrated that when taken in combination over a period of several weeks, these two ingredients can significantly improve bladder control issues, also helping the bladder to relax, thereby decreasing the urge to urinate soon after your last trip to the bathroom, as well as sudden urges in general!
Nutriferon Shaklee: Interferon buat julung kalinya ditemui oleh Dr. Yasuhiko Kojima dari University Tokyo pada tahun 1954. Selepas membuat kajian selama 40 tahun dan semakan semula beribu-ribu jenis sebatian dan lebih 200 jenis herba yang berlainan, Dr. Kojima telah berjaya membangunkan satu-satunya interferon semulajadi di dunia (Nutriferon). Beliau telah menetapkan bahawa ekstrak dari 4 tumbuhan iaitu; biji labu, bunga Safflowerm Honeysuckle Jepun dan biji Pkantago mempunyai daya kebolehan mendorong pengeluaran semulajadi interferon tubuh. Formula yang digunakan adalah semulajadi, selamat, tulin dan berkesan. 

ESP Shaklee: Soy Protein Isolate Powder ini diiktiraf seluruh dunia dengan mempunyai kajian klinikal yang sangat ekstensif dan komprehensif serta memiliki kualiti protein yang tinggi yang pernah dihasilkan. Kacang soya yang digunakan oleh Shaklee hanya mengandungi 'non GMO' (non-Genetically Modified Organism) yang mana ia diproses pada kadar suhu yang rendah. 

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