Thursday, July 18, 2013

Joo Won Akan Muncul Dalam Siri Drama Terbaru : Good Doctor

Oh...tak dapat tahan untuk tulis entri ni. Shaklee Shaklee juga..minat kat drama Korea memang tak boleh nak padamkan lagi walaupun masa sangatlah mencemburui hari-hari saya. Mana dapat layan drama Korea dah kebelakangan ni. Ye pun dah sampai fasa-fasa klimaks dah ni. Apapun, saya masih mengikuti perkembangan drama Korea (yang ada kaitan dengan actor / actress) kesukaan saya je la. 

Terkini, Joo Won bakal muncul lagi mengubat rindu para peminatnya dalam drama siri terbaru: Good Doctor. Selepas Seventh Level Civil Servant rasanya Joo Won ada berlakon filem tapi saya tak ingat pulak tajuknya. Only You kalau tak silap. Tapi sebab filemkan, kureng sikitlah. Lagipun susah nak dapat filem Korea full version ni. Dramacrazy pun dah shut down, buat semua peminat drama Korea jadi crazy!! Haha..saya pun sebenarnya frust jugaklah sebab saya baru sempat tonton 1 drama je full episodes kat situ. Yela dulu-dulu takde internet kat rumah, takkan nak layan waktu kerja kat lab pulak kan.


Petikan daripada Dramabeans

Here’s our first peek at KBS’s upcoming Monday-Tuesday medical drama Good Doctor (sigh at the on-the-nose title they chose over Green Scalpel), starring Joo-won (Gaksital) as an autistic savant surgeon. Right now it just looks like Joo-won in a suit (where’s the lab coat and pocket protector?) but I’m a happy camper whenever he’s back in dramaland so I’ll take what I can get.
The new project from the writer of God’s Quiz and the PD of Ojakkyo Brothers is being called a “warm human drama” and stars Joo-won as an autistic savant who has a childlike personality and genius skill for surgery. In the stills he’s leaving his quiet hometown for the big university teaching hospital in Seoul where the drama will take place. Moon Chae-won(Nice Guy) plays a pediatric surgical fellow in the same program as Joo-won, described as a bold and outspoken character who will share a sweet loveline with the hero.
Joo Sang-wook (TEN) co-stars as an assistant professor who has a crush on Moon Chae-won, but is also engaged to Kim Min-seo (The Moon That Embraces the Sun), manager on the hospital’s planning board, and only daughter of the board’s director. Hm, sounds like a political marriage on his part, which would explain the wandering eye. And Kim Young-kwang (Birth Secret) plays a surgical resident who’s the first to befriend Joo-won, the outsider.
The subject matter doesn’t sound overly appealing, but it’s being set up as a heartwarming underdog tale, and it’s full of actors I like. And it would be nice to see Joo-won in something good again. Here’s hoping.
Good Doctor follows Shark and premieres August 5 on KBS.

Kombinasi actor dan actress yang sesuai dan pelakon-pelakon lain pun mantap. Harap project ni sukses bagi Joo Won selepas 7L yang boleh dikategorikan gagal hari tu. Sayang bakat dia sebab dia boleh dikatakan real actor, jadi kalau salah pilih projek memang rugi. Joo Won sangat sesuai dengan watak berat, dan dia sangat handsome dalam uniform. :-)

Nak tengok video teaser? Kat SINI. Dah tengok ni memang confirm tak sabar nak tunggu. Saya memang minat drama genre begini.

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