Saturday, August 29, 2015

Perkembangan Bayi 9 -10 Bulan : My lil Farhan

Hantar emel info tentang pre dan posnatal kepada salah seorang pelanggan sekejap tadi. Dah selesai, terpandang emel daripada babycenter. Memang anak no 2 ni tak dan nak tengok sangat emel-emel yang subscribe macam ni. Kalau anak sulung dulu kemain lagi tertunggu-tunggu tiap minggu. Bukanlah kata dah terror bab perkembangan anak, sebenarnya dah lupa pun perkembangan Sofiy dulu sebab dah lama, jarak antara dua anak agak jauh. Cuma sekarang ni banyak lagi perkara lain yang perlu diutamakan. 

Tapi tadi klik sekejap dan baca, tersenyum sendiri saya sebab memang apa yang ditulis benar belaka. Ini fasa bayi 9 bulan minggu keempat dan 10 bulan minggu pertama. Umur Farhan sekarang, dari 9 nak ke 10 bulan. Sorry Farhan, umi tak sempat pun nak update perkembangan Farhan di blog ni. Takpelah, adillah dengan abg Sofiy kan...haha. (alasan).

Meh baca apa kata #BabyCenter

Bayi 9 Bulan Minggu Keempat

Hello, Maizura
If you can tune in to your baby's babble in the coming weeks, you just might recognise a word or two. Babies typically say their first words (often "mama" or "dada") some time between nine and 15 months. Even if your baby's not "talking", (and some don't "talk" until much later than this), she's probably amused by the sounds she makes and may express herself in other ways. This may be by shouting for your attention, screaming in frustration or dropping a toy just to watch it fall. Try diverting her from activities you would rather not pursue with a game of peek-a-boo. She will probably be able to play along now instead of just watching.

Bayi 10 Bulan Minggu Pertama

Your baby may still only babble, but don't underestimate how much he understands. Babies pick up on the meaning of words – and your tone of voice – before they learn to speak. Your baby may even respond to simple requests or words of discipline such as a warning "No!" Talk to him often about what you're doing, where you're going, and the names of the foods he eats, and say his name. Try to taper off the baby talk so he hears plenty of real words during the day. 
Your baby is just beginning to understand many simple words and phrases, so it's more important than ever to keep talking to him. Give your chatterbox a head start on good speech patterns by repeating his words back to him using adult language. If he asks for a "bah-bah," for example, gently reinforce the correct pronunciation by asking, "Do you want a bottle?" At this stage of the game, it's best to try to avoid the tendency to use baby talk — it can be fun, but hearing the right words is better for your baby's development.
Though it may sometimes feel silly, having a conversation with your baby is a great way to encourage his language skills. When he rattles off a sentence of gibberish, respond with, "Oh, really? How interesting." He'll probably smile and keep chattering away.

Haaa...jangan tiru bahasa bayi ye..mak pulak cakap pelat. Anaklah yang patut tiru kitakan? Ok, good reminder. Walaupun tak semua perkataan, ada juga satu dua perkataan tu rasa macam comel je sebut pelat-pelat konon manjalah. hahaha. Contohnya, nama dia. Memang biasa sebut Farhan, tapi sekala sekala saja panggil A'an...hehehe.

Belanja gambar dia sikit. Ni gambar pagi tadi, belum mandi, aktiviti dia sementara umi buat transaksi online. Sempattt lagi tu. 


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