Sunday, May 05, 2013

Masalah Kencing- Over-active Bladder, Kerap Kencing, Kencing Tak Lawas, Beser, Bladder Infection, Jangkitan Salur Kencing

Istilah-istilah di atas iaitu kekerapan ke tandas untuk buang air kecil - bahasa Inggerisnya dikenali sebagai 'urinary urgency' berkait rapat dengan dua masalah kesihatan iaitu 'over-active bladder' dan 'bladder infection'. Tahun 2011 saya ada tulis entri tentang penyakit ini, dan mendapat kunjungan yang tinggi sehingga sekarang. Itu bermakna rakyat Malaysia banyak menghadapi masalah ini. Kalau tak, takkan sampai ada 'pantyliner' (poise) khusus untuk masalah ini. Bagaimanapun, ada perbezaan antara 'over-active bladder' dan 'bladder infection' atau bahasa mediknya dipanggil UTI (Uritary Tract Infection). Disebabkan simptomnya hampir sama, maka perbezaan berikut perlu dikenalpasti. (Saya copy paste sahaja ye sebab kalau translate nanti risau salah makna pulak).

Urinary Urgency

Overactive bladder and bladder infection may both cause an urgent need to urinate. Overactive bladder urgency is caused by sudden contractions of the muscles around the bladder, while bladder infection urgency is caused by bacteria irritating the urethra.

Frequent Urination

Because the bladder is suddenly contracting in the case of overactive bladder, frequent urination is necessary to avoid incontinence. Bladder infection also causes the need for frequent urination because of the irritation of the urethra, but often little urine will be produced.

Pain Upon Urination

While overactive bladder causes a potentially painful need to urinate, there is generally no pain upon actual urination. On the other hand, bladder infection may cause a burning or painful sensation in the urethra when urine is released.

Urine Odor

Bladder infection may cause a particular odor to emanate from the urine due to the presence of bacteria and bacterial metabolites, known as sulfites in the urine. Overactive bladder is not associated with a particular urinary smell.

Signs of Infection

As overactive bladder is generally considered to be caused by neurological signals, there will be no signs of infection. Bladder infection will include the presence of bacteria and white blood cells in the urine that may be seen under a microscope. In addition, a severe urinary tract infection may cause fatigue, fever and pain in the back if not treated.


Overactive bladder may be treated with methods and medications to relax the bladder such as tolterodine and oxybutynin while a bladder infection will be treated with antibiotics such as sulfamethoxazole/trimethoprim or levafloxacin as well as analgesics such as phenazopyridine and acetaminophen.

Saya pernah kena dua-dua ini dan saya tahu bezanya. Secara mudahnya, bladder infection disebabkan jangkitan bakteria pada saluran kencing, menyerang sekali-sekala, rasa sakit di bahagian pundi kencing malah boleh menyebabkan demam. Manakala ober-active bladder pula ialah masalah desakan dan kekerapan ke tandas, tidak sakit, bukan disebabkan jangkitan, ketirisan air kencing dan dihadapi berpanjangan.

Saya kena UTI paling teruk masa belajar degree dulu. Mulanya asyik nak ke tandas je, tapi bila kencing rasa tak lawas. Lama-lama bila kencing dah rasa sakit, makin sakit sampaikan naik kereta tu kalau bergegar sikit sakitnya yang amat. Berguling-guling sakit, pergi klinik universiti dah malam dan makmal tak buka untuk check urine. Kena tunggu esok pagi. Doktor bagi Ural dan suruh minum banyak air...saya tidur sambil peluk botol air mineral 1500ml tu. Kejap-kejap nak ke tandas, tapi bila nak buang keluar sikit je..sakitnya sampai rasa nak gegar dinding tandas. Rasa macam ada batu kat dalam pundi kencing tu menghiris. Esok paginya, on the way ke klinik tu jalan kaki je sebab kolej saya dekat dengan klinik...tapi tu pun 4-5 kali terduduk kat jalan sebab sakit sangat. Sampai klinik, petugas makmal pun minta budi bicara orang yang dah sampai dulu sebelum saya untuk buat test saya dulu sebab saya dah teruk sangat. Lepas jumpa doktor, saya dah tak boleh bangun. Doktor terpaksa cucuk ubat tahan sakit kat bontot dan tunggu setengah jam baru la saya boleh berjalan balik. Lepas daripada kejadian tu, saya kena beberapa kali masa pregnant tapi tak teruk la. Mungkin sebab mengandung agaknya.

Over-active bladder pulak saya kena sejak mengandungkan Sofiy masa kandungan dalam 7 bulan macam tu dan berlarutan. Aktiviti harian dan masa tidur saya cukup terganggu. Dalam entri 2011 dulu, saya kongsikan petua-petua yang saya dapat di sana- sini. Tapi kali ni saya nak kongsikan vitamin dan mineral sebagai penawar bladder infection dan juga over-active bladder. Saya perasan kebelakangan ni masalah saya ni dah sedikit reda. Bangun tengah malam tu dah tak setiap malam. Siang pun, takde la sekerap dulu. Sejujurnya petua-petua yang saya kongsi tu saya tak amalkan pun sampai sekarang. Masa tu je la buat. hehe. Mungkin pengambilan suplemen yang konsisten sekarang ni membantu saya. Kebetulan saya dah jadi pengedar sah Shaklee dan terjumpa tentang vitamin dan masalah kencing ni. Eloklah saya kongsikan di sini.

The bladder and kidneys are part of your urinary tract, along with the tubes that lead between the kidneys and bladder, called ureters, and the tube that carries the urine out of your body, called the urethra. An infection in the urinary tract generally includes the bladder. About 95 percent of bacteria that cause urinary tract infections enter through the external opening of the urethra, according to the University of Maryland Medical Center. The rest originate in the kidneys. Your zinc intake is one of many factors that may help you alleviate a bladder infection.

Zinc and Urinary Tract Infections

Zinc is a trace mineral that aids your neurological function, reproductive system, cell structure and immune system and acts as an antioxidant. One of its roles in the immune system is to boost the actions of white blood cells, which are needed to fight infections. If you’re deficient in zinc, it could affect your ability to combat bacterial infections, such as UTIs. Zinc was found to be especially helpful in supporting the immune system for older people, according to a study reported in the January 1998 “Journal of the American Geriatric Society” by C. Fortes and others from the National Institute of Health in Rome, Italy. If you’re over 65, getting an adequate amount of zinc in your diet is especially important.

Zinc and Interstitial Cystitis

You may think you have a bladder infection or UTI if you feel an urgent or frequent need to urinate and you have pain in your lower abdomen or pelvic region. This may, however, be interstitial cystitis, also called painful bladder syndrome, a type of bladder pain that isn’t caused by bacterial infection, according to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases. Zinc helps protect the cell walls, so it may help reduce damage to your tissues from inflammatory conditions, such as IC.


  • Drink more water, this is the most important change in your diet to make. Water helps to flush out the bladder and help get rid of the infection. You should also try to drink lots of cranberry juice and/or blueberry juice. Drink more natural and organic versions, avoiding juices that are sweetened with sugar.
  • Take Magnesium Citrate in supplemental form daily. Magnesium Citrate creates alkaline urine, which makes it harder for E. coli to survive. Take about 300 milligrams a day until the bladder infection has been cleared.
  • Take Zinc in supplemental form daily. Zinc strengthens the immune system, which helps your body to fight off the bladder infection. Take about 30 milligrams a day while trying to cure the bladder infection.
  • Sumber:

    Overactive bladder, urge incontinence, is a condition that can respond to some diet changes. Certified nutritional consultant Phyllis A. Balch, author of “nutrition therapy prescription,” to eliminate from your diet certain foods and drinks may be helpful in treating this case, including soft drinks, chocolate, wine , coffee and processed and refined foods. Food containing a significant amount of zinc – lobster to enhance breakfast cereals, spinach, oysters, beef, pork, chicken – may also help to improve bladder function and treatment of incontinence.
    Spinach contains significant amounts of zinc, and may help in the treatment of urinary incontinence. Spinach, notes nutritionists and biologists George Mateljan, author of “the healthiest food in the world, has traditionally been used for many health purposes, including reducing inflammation, boost your energy levels and promote your heart, brain and vision health. Apart from zinc, spinach, contain a variety of nutrients, including vitamins A, E, C, potassium, manganese, folic acid and magnesium.

    Cara Hidup dan Rawatan di Rumah:
    - Kurangkan berat badan jika berat badan anda berlebihan
    - Amalkan kebersihan- cara mencuci yang betul selepas ke tandas
                                   - keringkan bahagian sulit selepas ke tandas
                                   - pakai seluar dalam yang kering dan daripada fabrik telap air
    - Buang tabiat menahan kencing 
    - Minum air kosong yang cukup bagi mereka yang kerap diserang jangkitan salur kencing
    - Buat jadual pengambilan air mengikut aktiviti harian, misalnya tidak minum air dengan banyak sebelum ke kelas jika anda pelajar atau guru, sebelum mesyuarat, atau membel-belah
    - Berhenti minum air selepas jam 8.30 malam bagi mengelakkan anda perlu ke tandas pada waktu tidur malam.
    - Elakkan minuman berkafein dan alkohol
    Oleh itu, jika anda mudah diserang jangkitan salur kencing atau menghadapi masalah 'over-active bladder', saya syorkan anda mengambil suplemen ZINC COMPLEX dan OSTEMATRIX (kalsium magnesium) dalam diet harian anda. Ataupun, anda juga boleh mengambil VITA-LEA IRON FORMULA yang lengkap dengan vitamin dan mineral A-Z jika anda yakin sebahagian khasiat makanan telah dapat anda penuhi daripada makanan harian anda. Ini kerana, kandungan zinc dalam Vita-lea terhad kepada 7.5mg manakala magnesium 100mg sahaja.
    Amaran: Pesakit SLE tidak boleh mengambil Vita-Lea dan Zinc Complex Shaklee kerana mengandungi alfalfa.
    Untuk maklumat lanjut hubungi:

    MAIA (SID 918631)
    SMS: 012 3302067
    FB FANPAGE: Min-Aina-Ila-Aina

    ** Disclaimer
    This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any diseases. This product is just a supplement to help you stay healthy.

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